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Pattern design for everyone!

Writer: Sacha LeppardSacha Leppard

Try my fave and super easy repeat pattern tutorial for all ages.

I wanted to share with you this sweet, simple and fun technique for creating a repeating pattern.

Even the most basic doodlings can look effective and then the world is your oyster. Create your own hand made gift wrap, lino prints, wall mural or explore a myriad of textile possibilities. Go forth, play and repeat!

I made a 20cm square and sketched some motifs within it. You can make any size you feel comfortable with. Leave some space around the edge. You will fill this in later.

Once the area was mostly evenly covered, I folded the paper and cut it into four squares. Then I placed the two squares on the left over to the right, and then the two squares at the bottom to the top.

This means that all the inside edges of the square are now on the outside, giving a perfectly repeating edge.

The first time I used this technique it felt like the sweetest magic trick. It’s so simple and satisfying it seems like cheating somehow!

Once taped or glued together, there will be gaps in the design in the centre which you can fill in with similar motifs to give a smooth pattern.

I think this would be such a fun way to introduce children to design.

A fun little doodle pass time for everyone, a craft project to do with kids, or even your new career.

After working for the past few years designing pattern mostly on the computer it's so fun to play with paint and paper again.. Try it out, it's the best doodle fun!


February life in Rajasthan.

See you next time for the coconut butter cookies and number 1 chai recipe!

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